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23 SECONDS 2.jpeg



Sono bastati solo ventitré secondi per distruggere un’intera città e i paesi del suo comprensorio, sono bastati solo ventitré secondi per spezzare 309 vite, sono bastati solo ventitré secondi per cancellare case, palazzi, chiese, castelli, campanili, biblioteche. Sono bastati solo ventitré secondi per cambiare per sempre l’esistenza e i sogni di oltre settantamila persone. Questo è stato il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009.


It took only twenty-three seconds to destroy an entire city and its surrounding villages, it took only twenty-three seconds to destroy 309 lives, it took only twenty-three seconds to wipe out houses, buildings, churches, castles, bell towers, libraries. It took only twenty-three seconds to change forever the life and dreams of over seventy thousand people. This was the earthquake of 6 April 2009.

One of the many stories of that night.

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